Tucker Lutter, an Iowa native, is a senior at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH, pursuing an anthropology major and a history minor. Last year he attended field school with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign at Emerald Mounds, and is returning to the site this year as an archaeological assistant. This spring, he participated in a field school with his university at Fort Steuben in Ohio, a site with historic-era and pre-Columbian components. He is the president and founder of the Explorers of the Past, the Franciscan University’s anthropology and history club. During the school year, he works as an archaeology lab assistant. This fall, he will be working as an intern for the Carnegie Museum’s Edward O'Neil Research Center, using KeEmu software to help with the organization of their collections. Tucker’s greatest interest is in Native American studies, focusing on the Middle Mississippians and their contemporary contacts and later descendants in the Plains. He hopes to continue studying archaeology as a graduate student.